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Monday, January 5, 2009

great art on

Well I am starting my transition to digital art, I have now WACOM GRAHIRE 3, I got a great deal from a friend on it, i could not pass it up, Next on my list, well I got A new computer. Its new to me! Dell 4300.... nice, I have always liked Dell.

Now..... I thought a was going with photoshop to draw, but i don't care to pay for software!
I am a private user I have no care for where software comes from.... but I herd of a wonderful program call GIMP... Its a power full image manipulation program.... i have used it for over 7 months now... I absolutely love it download it from the home site here! Its safe open source software. and its Not a week's pay like some other programs.

ok.... so now I am starting a new portfolio of my work, I personal like the art site I cant even begin to tell you how many unbelievable pieces I have found there. I would have to say the greatest artist on the web gather there. So if you have a second or 3 hours! check it out.

If you want to see my profile at then click HERE!!